Wee Gallery Stroller Cards- "I See On A Walk"
I see a dog. Is the dog big or little? The ‘I See’ Stroller Cards promote exploring a baby’s world with simple, open-ended prompts. Spot things that are commonly seen while out and about on a walk, or in the backyard or at the park. These five beautifully illustrated cards are super sturdy and held together with a ring and strap that connects to your stroller or bag. Easy to take on a trip but not easy to lose. Take your baby on a fun exploration the Wee Gallery way.
Our selection
Caro bambino has a big selection of baby products, including grat baby shower gifts, apparel for newborn babies up to 5 years old and Toys.
Car seat installation appoitments
We do offer complimentary car seat installations with your purchase. If you have any questions send us an email to info@carobambino.com